You may be asking yourself "What the heck is a Motion Comic '' & "Why did I click on this if I don't know what it is"? Well the answer to the first is when you add motion to a comic. Does that answer it? No? Ok fine, basically when you take a comic add in voice over, sound effects, music and of course motion to make the whole thing more dynamic! As to your second question, it's because you have moxie, and I like that!
Either way, here are the motion comics I've created! You won't see any major superheroes or titles here, partially because I'm not as big of a fan of those ones, and also I really don't want to get sued! Enjoy!
Radioactive Man | Issue #1 | The Origin of Radioactive Man
In 1993 as The Simpsons were dominating Pop Culture, Bongo Comics launched "Simpsons Comics" bringing America's favorite Yellow Family to the comic book store! To help grow the new line, Bongo created several spin offs related to the world of "The Simpsons" & thus we were introduced to Bart Simpson’s Favorite Superhero: Radioactive Man! So after earning $100 from back breaking work for Mrs. Glick, I picked up this puppy from Android’s Dungeon! Ripping it out of its mylar to bring you the first full motion comic of the “Origin of Radioactive Man”!
Radioactive Man | Issue #1 | Dr. Crab's Commie Comics
In "Dr. Crab's Commie Comics" Radioactive man faces off against the evils of the comic industry! An insightful parody of the real life investigations into comics, you'll be laughing as you learn how ridiculous the concept was! This story conculdes the first Radioactive issue & introduces us to Radioactive Man's loyal sidekick Fallout Boy!